Vacuum tube lifters

Vacuum tube lifters ideal for intensive handling of small loads

Vacuum tube lifters

Vacuum tube lifters are particularly suitable for safe, precise and effective movement of any object which might be gripped by a vacuum lifter, such as mirrors, boxes, cartons, bins, domestic appliances, metal sheets, etc.

These devices grip and lift objects by exploiting the vacuum generated by a pump.
An increase or reduction in the vacuum respectively determines the rise or descent of the load in question. These operations are carried out by use of a simple and ergonomic controller situated on the handhold.

In the event of a loss of electricity, the load remains attached and slowly descends to the ground.

In connection with these suction devices, ELEPHANT Srl supplies manual jib cranes, articulated arm cranes, and suspended units on the basis of the client’s requirements.

The suction lifters, or tube lifters, are made with different accessories according to the client’s requirements.
The main ones are described below:

Vacuum lifters for rounded objects, available in various dimensions and materials;
single vacuum lifter, available in various dimensions and materials;
vacuum lifters for sacks, available in various sizes and also in stainless steel;
circular vacuum lifter available in various dimensions and also in stainless steel;
double vacuum lifter for boxes, adjustable for tubing;
four suction cups, adjustable for tubing;
four suction cups arranged in an H, adjustable on the primary and secondary bars;
angular joint for moving from the horizontal to the vertical and vice versa;
360° rotating joint for releasing the vacuum lifter from the grip;
device for rapid exchange of vacuum lifters;
premium filter;
silencer box for reducing the level of noise from the pump;
elongated and flexible handle, available in various lengths;
elongated and rigid handle, available in various lengths.

Technical data sheet


Portatada 15 Kg a 280 Kg
Corsa verticaleda 1600 mm a 3000 mm


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